Al Maha – desert oasis in Dubai

Al Maha – desert oasis in Dubai

Leave the action and altitude of Dubai city centre and experience a luxury oasis of calm in the Arabian desert next time you’re there.   With Dubai one of the most significant hubs for air travellers around the world its surprising that more don’t spend a little time exploring beyond the high-rise glitz of the ever-changing city skyline that constantly seeks to touch the stars; when a few nights under the stars in the...

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Top Four tips for four by four for fun!

Top Four tips for four by four for fun!

Getting off the beaten track for your own adventure… Might it be time to rekindle your sense of adventure; to pull out a map, mark far-flung places and luxury lodges on your maps and simply drive into the unknown in a 4×4? It means you’ll be free, independent and away from the madding crowd but no less able to enjoy the luxuries that we all crave – you’ll just arrive by a different route! Assuming you...

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The first five chapters of ‘No Worry Chicken Curry’

The amusing story about Geoff & Cherrie's seven years in India.  Simply subscribe so that you never miss a post of The Luxury Couple and receive your download link.

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