Paris à pied – anything but pedestrian

Paris à pied – anything but pedestrian

Discover the true flavour of this magnificent city in a really fun day out, on a walking circuit that covers all aspects of Paris. We walked our socks off for a whole day around Paris to really feel the pulse and vibrant rhythm of life that permeates the city (or was it our aching feet), simply by ‘joining up the dots’ of some famous landmarks. We’d been to Paris many times, either to meet French friends (who have little enthusiasm...

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Roaming around in Rome

Roaming around in Rome

Roaming around in Rome – but with a plan Do you ever get the feeling that you owe it to yourself to give your life an injection of invigorating knowledge and culture to enrich the daily endurance of simply existing – if you could just be bothered to put in the effort to find it? There’s that nagging feeling that everyone else probably knows more about everything than you do and that it’s about time to take on board something...

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The first five chapters of ‘No Worry Chicken Curry’

The amusing story about Geoff & Cherrie's seven years in India.  Simply subscribe so that you never miss a post of The Luxury Couple and receive your download link.

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