Part 2. Osaka, Kyoto & Nara – a spectrum of ancient and modern Japan

Part 2. Osaka, Kyoto & Nara – a spectrum of ancient and modern Japan

In this second part of our tour of Honshu, Japan, we experience the extreme contrasts of sculpted modern architecture and rampant consumerism with simple aesthetics and spiritual reward. Travel with us to Osaka, Kyoto & Nara. In our first article we explored the lesser known west coast of Honshu. Now we head back to the southern side, to the cities of Osaka and Kyoto along with the ancient capital of Nara, as you can see on the...

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Egypt – Colours of the Nile

Egypt – Colours of the Nile

Egypt now moderates and controls the numbers of people and access to their rich heritage of historic sites – a much more civilised but still highly rewarding experience. You might not always appreciate that you’ve been limited in time or access to some of the richest historical resources on the planet but it engenders a much more dignified experience than the coach loads of ‘box-tickers’ of the past....

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Inle, Myanmar – Part 2 – Spectacular spires

Inle, Myanmar – Part 2 – Spectacular spires

One for your wishlist when the world settles down! If, like us, you’re prone to getting ‘templed out’ on your travels, when an endless stream of religious sites tests your faith, you’ll be surprised to find that you’re completely mesmerised by the thousands of temples at Indein. Myanmar alternates between a no-go area and a magical destination to explore, dictated solely by political policy and actions. Here’s our review from...

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Existential Olympia

Existential Olympia

This birthplace of purity in thought, word and deed leaves us breathless. Compared with some of the magnificently monumental architectural edifices that exist around the world, walking around Olympia, on the Peloponnese peninsula in Greece, on a baking hot airless afternoon can seem like nothing more than struggling around an archaic, rather derelict building site. In many ways it is but little could be further from the truth, either...

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The exotic treasure that’s Sri Lanka

The exotic treasure that’s Sri Lanka

You might ask why you should go to Sri Lanka if you’ve already been to India…or even if you haven’t – well in our opinion it’s all the best bits of India condensed into a smaller space! Whilst the turmoil of civil war and tsunami inevitably have obviously left their marks, the Sri Lankan people and government are determined to put it behind them and fully embrace the notion of luxury hospitality as a means to realise their full...

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The first five chapters of ‘No Worry Chicken Curry’

The amusing story about Geoff & Cherrie's seven years in India.  Simply subscribe so that you never miss a post of The Luxury Couple and receive your download link.

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