Wild about Cheetah, Tiger, Elephant, Leopard, Lion, Wild dog…

Wild about Cheetah, Tiger, Elephant, Leopard, Lion, Wild dog…

Specialist Safaris – searching for that special species that has eluded you, or fascinated you, for as long as you’ve been travelling? As much as you, we’re wild about wildlife and there’s usually a species that thrills you more than most – that you’d literally go to the ends of the earth for, just to spend some quality time in their presence. Let us help plan your next wildlife experience. Either...

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The exotic treasure that’s Sri Lanka

The exotic treasure that’s Sri Lanka

You might ask why you should go to Sri Lanka if you’ve already been to India…or even if you haven’t – well in our opinion it’s all the best bits of India condensed into a smaller space! Whilst the turmoil of civil war and tsunami inevitably have obviously left their marks, the Sri Lankan people and government are determined to put it behind them and fully embrace the notion of luxury hospitality as a means to realise their full...

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The first five chapters of ‘No Worry Chicken Curry’

The amusing story about Geoff & Cherrie's seven years in India.  Simply subscribe so that you never miss a post of The Luxury Couple and receive your download link.

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