A day out in Delhi

A day out in Delhi

It’s well worth driving around the principal sights and sites of Delhi to get an impression of how the architecture – and country – has evolved over the centuries. Each of the significant invaders and occupiers of India is well represented across the capital and many of the sites are worth at least a drive by rather than an in-depth investigation, unless you’re an historian or architect. It’s too easy just to chill out after...

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Seeking Sikhism’s loaves and fishes

Seeking Sikhism’s loaves and fishes

Sikhism’s remarkable feeding of the five thousand – every day! Gurudwara Bangla Sahib is Delhi’s most significant Sikh gurudwara (Sikh religious house) and at first glance yet another of India’s temples bursting at the seams with devout worshippers. True, it does appear to be swamped with devotees all clamouring to enter the inner temple or dip their feet in the huge ‘tank’ or sacred pond that lies adjacent to it – but –...

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A passage through India

A passage through India

Our guest review from Stuart Tizzard gives a ‘first timers’ perspective on his journey through India! We ‘d been thinking about going to India for years, but to be honest, were just not brave enough. Tessa, my wife, was always more keen than me but I’d always managed to offer good alternatives to deflect her! The matter was decided at the end of a particularly heavy dinner party, when we decided and I agreed ,...

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When in Delhi – don’t dismiss Gurgaon.

When in Delhi – don’t dismiss Gurgaon.

Delhi’s rapidly expanding satellite now offers far more than a bland airport hotel. It wasn’t long ago that if you were flying in or out of Delhi, India, that your tour operator would dump you in Gurgaon as the most convenient place for airport access, irrespective of the fact that it was a cultural wasteland. In more recent years, the area has expanded dramatically, developing into a hub for business high tech as well as...

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The first five chapters of ‘No Worry Chicken Curry’

The amusing story about Geoff & Cherrie's seven years in India.  Simply subscribe so that you never miss a post of The Luxury Couple and receive your download link.

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