Macao Part 2 – meandering towards Mammon

Macao Part 2 – meandering towards Mammon

Few of the hardened gamblers that ever step ashore in Macao will ever venture into the historic quarter at the centre of Macao Island – but here lies the tale of the passage to Mammon that they have all unwittingly followed. There are numerous visual clues that trace the history of Macao, both in its people and its architecture but a leisurely walk along a relatively straight but undulating mile will encapsulate much of the cultural...

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Macao Part 1 – Here there be Dragons!

Macao Part 1 – Here there be Dragons!

Outwardly sophisticated in appearance, Macao is a cauldron of gambling, wealth, history and kitsch. As we step ashore in Macao from the TurboJET high speed ferry from Hong Kong, our first impression is one of a clean, sophisticated city similar to Singapore. Not for long… The process of getting here is simple – once you’ve got to Hong Kong! We’ve queued briefly at the Ferry Terminal in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, to buy...

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The first five chapters of ‘No Worry Chicken Curry’

The amusing story about Geoff & Cherrie's seven years in India.  Simply subscribe so that you never miss a post of The Luxury Couple and receive your download link.

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