Nha Trang – Buddhas, beaches and beansprouts

Nha Trang – Buddhas, beaches and beansprouts

Nha Trang in Vietnam is best known as a beach resort for its miles of wide, clean white sand but if you delve a little deeper you’ll find a few treasures and fascinating local life. Not particularly attracted to lazing on a beach, as our threshold of boredom is fairly low, we elect to travel around Nha Trang to try to get a flavour of local life. We walk into the TTC Michelia Hotel on the junction of Le Loi and Pasteur roads and...

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A count of ten in Colombo

A count of ten in Colombo

Sri Lanka’s capital city is often just an entry point to get you on your way to the white sand beaches, cultural interior or fascinating wildlife – but it has an appeal all of its own. We’ve collected together ten places to see that we think epitomises the character of Colombo and makes it worthwhile delaying your departure for at least a day. They’re in no particular order and can all be covered during a cheap two-hour tuk-tuk ride –...

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Colour on the wing in Sri Lanka

Colour on the wing in Sri Lanka

No matter how indifferent you might be to ‘Twitchers’ it’s almost impossible not to become mesmerised by the spectrum of colour and form in Sri Lanka’s birdlife. If you’re already a dedicated birder, then Sri Lanka offers you the ability to pursue your desires whilst the rest of the family (if you’ve brought them) can enjoy the culture, history and beaches of the country – such is the geographic and cultural variety within easy reach...

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Top Ten Tips for Luxury Travel Planning

Top Ten Tips for Luxury Travel Planning

We’ll help you make sure that your holiday is memorable for all the right reasons. You’re really excited about your forthcoming luxury holiday and the last thing you want is for some minor hiccup to put a spanner in the works. Our travel tips for luxury travellers may seem like common sense but it’s so easy to forget the obvious and spoil your holiday; so we thought we’d share our checklist for travel planning with you. A little bit...

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The first five chapters of ‘No Worry Chicken Curry’

The amusing story about Geoff & Cherrie's seven years in India.  Simply subscribe so that you never miss a post of The Luxury Couple and receive your download link.

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